Sancus Supporters – Sancus MGMT

Mark Munoz

Mark is an ex professional footballer who had a promising career cut short due to a series of injuries. Mark had to adapt and change his career aspirations. In 2001, Mark ventured into the world of jewellery and fashion. However, he never truly left his passion for football as he became a jeweller to many premier league and top flight football players.

Overtime the desire to return into the fold of sports and play a bigger role became something Mark could no longer ignore. Having been a professional player himself with a keen eye for talent Mark delved into the world of youth development and professional representation. His style of mentorship is built on support and communication, looking to develop not just the player but the individual as well. Through his own experiences and dealing with multiple injuries, Mark is uniquely aware the difficulties that those in youth and professional sports face. He draws upon his knowledge and empathy to help young professionals excel in the modern game.

Mark teamed up with Mr Mehta 3 years ago, with a very simple idea. To create a forward thinking modern day sports management company, built on trust and honesty. Together with Mr. Mehta in 2021, Sancus MGMT was brought to fruition.

“Representation is more than just business it’s a vocation it’s a passion….as once the ink has dried it’s the day-to-day communication, interaction, and the sense of extended family that will give you the reassurance and belief to achieve your true potential.”